Before you reach the France study visa application stage, securing admission is a crucial first step. Without an admission offer, you won’t be able to proceed with your visa application. I also wrote another guide on how to secure admission.

Embarking on a study abroad journey is an exciting adventure, but the process of securing a France study visa can be daunting, particularly for Nigerian passport holders. Whether you self-sponsor or rely on a guarantor, you need to carefully prepare to navigate the complexities of the visa application process. During my application process, I encountered numerous unanswered questions, which motivated me to create this guide to help other aspiring students. Here, I provide a step-by-step approach to increase your chances of securing a study visa.

It’s important to understand that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to visa applications; our circumstances play a significant role in how we put together our applications.
The Campus France list outlines the only common requirement for every application. You must be able to provide everything on that list. Your specific situation may require additional documents to prove your eligibility for the visa.

The Recent Graduate Perspective

As a recent graduate applying for a master’s degree program, you’ll most likely be applying with the support of a sponsor or guarantor. Beyond the Campus France list, you may only need to demonstrate your academic progression. There won’t be too many questions asked, especially if your chosen course of study aligns with your previous degree, whether it’s a BSc or an HND (yes, HND holders can pursue a master’s program in France) Just ensure that you provide all the documents required on the Campus France Nigeria list, and you should be set to move forward with your application.

The Working-Class Perspective

As a working professional, you have the option to either fully self-sponsor your studies, use a guarantor, or combine both approaches. In my opinion, this decision should depend on your income. For example, if you earn #150,000 monthly, it could be challenging to convince a visa officer that you’ve managed to save €7,200 for living expenses–the math simply wouldn’t add up.

To strengthen your visa application, I recommend combining your finances with that of a guarantor. This approach provides more credible financial backing. Additionally, including documents such as payslips, job contracts, employment letters, leave letters, and promotion letters can further bolster your application when paired with the required documents on the Campus France list.

Applying For A Course Unrelated To Your Previous Field of Study Perspective.

This was the situation I faced. I earned a degree in microbiology five years ago, but when I decided to pursue my master’s, I applied for programs in Marketing and MBA. During the admission process, I participated in interviews where I explained my reasons for the switch. However, when applying for a French study visa, there’s no interview, so it’s crucial to prepare your documents to address any potential questions the visa officer might have.

In my case, I provided documents to demonstrate my transition into a new field. I included evidence that I’ve been working in sales and business development since graduation, along with my professional CV, certificates from relevant courses I’ve completed over the past five years, and a detailed explanation in my cover letter.

Regardless of the category you fall into, if you choose to use a sponsor or guarantor, I’ve written a guide that addresses all the frequently asked questions about the process.

Cost Of Applying For A France Study Visa

Keep in mind that this breakdown only covers visa processing fees and does not include tuition or any other expenses related to your studies in France.

  • TLS Fee: 43,500 Naira
  • Campus France Fee: 50,000 Naira
  • Visa Fee: 50 Euros (84,645 Naira)
  • Housing Certificate: 350 Euros
  • Travel Insurance: 25,000 – 30,000 Naira
  • Guarantor Form Notarization: 15,000 Naira
  • Printing Documents: 15,000 Naira
  • Flight Reservation: 15,000 Naira

Altogether, this amounts to approximately 845,000 Naira, based on the exchange rate in July 2024.


  1. Pingback:Using A Guarantor For France Study Visa Application - Ojulari Biliki

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