Digital Marketing Manager

Hi! I'm Ojulari Biliki and I assist with digital marketing for Individuals and Corporates.

Top Rated Freelancer

I am a top-rated virtual assistant in the world's largest freelance marketplace.

Rockstar Travel Consultant

I love exploring new parts of the world and helping others see the sights that I've
seen. Let me plan your next trip!

OJULARI Balikis exploring Uganda, pearl of Africa. The trip was curated by Troupe Ng

I cancelled all my activities for Uganda

Travelling can be a wonderful way to break free from the routine and immerse yourself in new cultures, and experiences […]

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Nigerian Traveler Guide To Visiting Mauritius

Your guide to exploring Mauritius as a Nigerian Passport Holder. Surprisingly Mauritius is geographically an African country. A tropical paradise […]

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How to build your travel history as a Nigerian Passport Holder

Your travel history backs up your claim of being a genuine visitor and that you have complied with the immigration […]

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Visa denial

Visa denial, biggest reasons why you may be getting denied a visa.

Experiencing a visa denial can be a dreadful experience. However, this post aims to assist you in identifying the cause […]

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Travel Better as a Nigerian Passport Holder

As a Nigerian passport holder, it can be challenging to explore many countries without a visa, and visa refusals can be discouraging. This section of my blog is dedicated to providing you with helpful tips and guidance on how to build your travel history and increase your chances of obtaining a visa approval. I aim to provide you with the latest updates and developments regarding visa applications, so you can stay informed and improve your chances of a successful application. With the right approach and guidance, you can successfully explore the world beyond your borders. Let's work together to make your travel dreams a reality!